Moneymaker Tomato: How to Grow and Care Guide

moneymaker tomato


Tomatoes are one of the most widely cultivated and popular vegetables in the world. They come in many varieties, each with its own unique qualities and characteristics. One of the most well-known and widely grown varieties is the Moneymaker tomato.

History of the Moneymaker Tomato

The Moneymaker tomato was first developed in the United Kingdom in the early 20th century. It was bred by the famous English horticulturist, Henry Garton, who was known for his work in breeding tomatoes and other vegetables. Garton developed the Moneymaker by crossbreeding several different tomato varieties, including the Ailsa Craig, which was known for its large, meaty fruits, and the Ruby, which had a sweet, rich flavour.

The Moneymaker tomato was first introduced to the market in the 1940s, and it quickly became popular among gardeners and farmers. Its name is derived from its high yield, as the tomato plant produces a large number of fruit per plant. It was also valued for its disease resistance and adaptability to different growing conditions.

Benefits of Growing Moneymaker Tomatoes


There are several benefits to growing Moneymaker tomatoes. One of the main benefits is their high yield. Moneymaker tomato plants typically yield large quantities of fruit per plant, making them an ideal choice for gardeners and farmers who want to maximize their harvest. The fruits themselves are medium-sized, round, and bright red in colour. They have a juicy, meaty texture and a mild, sweet flavour that is perfect for salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.

Disease Resistance

Another benefit of growing Moneymaker tomatoes is their disease resistance. The plant is known for its resistance to several common tomato diseases, including verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt. This means that gardeners can grow the plant with less risk of losing their crop to disease.


Moneymaker tomatoes are also adaptable to different growing conditions, making them a good choice for gardeners in various climates. They can be grown in greenhouses, raised beds, or directly in the ground, and they thrive in both sunny and partially shaded areas.

Negatives of Growing the Moneymaker Tomato

While there are many benefits to growing Moneymaker tomatoes, there are also some potential negatives to consider.


One of the main drawbacks of this variety is that it can be prone to cracking. This occurs when the tomato fruit develops small fissures in the skin, which can lead to spoilage or reduced quality.

Blossom End Rot

Moneymaker tomatoes are also susceptible to blossom end rot, which is a common condition that affects many tomato varieties. This occurs when the fruit develops a dark, sunken area on the bottom, which can be caused by a calcium deficiency in the soil. This can be prevented by adding calcium to the soil or by watering the plant consistently to prevent fluctuations in soil moisture.

High Maintenance

Another potential negative of growing Moneymaker tomatoes is that they can require more maintenance than other varieties. The plant needs to be regularly pruned and staked to keep it upright and to prevent the fruit from touching the ground. This can be time-consuming and labour-intensive, especially for larger gardens.

How to Grow Moneymaker Tomatoes

Growing Moneymaker tomatoes is relatively easy, but there are a few key steps to follow to ensure a healthy and abundant harvest. Here are some tips for growing Moneymaker tomatoes:


Moneymaker tomatoes can be grown from seed or from seedlings purchased from a garden centre or nursery. They should be planted in a sunny location with well-draining soil. The ideal soil pH for growing tomatoes is between 6.0 and 7.0.


Tomatoes need consistent moisture to grow and produce fruit. Water your Moneymaker plants regularly, especially during dry spells, and make sure to water at the base of the plant, rather than from above.


Tomatoes are heavy feeders and require regular fertilization to thrive. Use a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and apply according to the instructions on the package.


To keep your Moneymaker plants healthy and productive, it’s important to prune them regularly. Remove any suckers that develop between the main stem and the branches, as well as any leaves that are touching the ground.


Moneymaker tomato plants can become quite tall and heavy with fruit, so it’s important to support them to prevent the stems from breaking. Use stakes or cages to keep the plants upright and to keep the fruit off the ground.


Moneymaker tomatoes will ripen over several weeks, and you can begin harvesting them once they turn bright red and are firm to the touch. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the fruit from the stem, and be careful not to damage the plant.

By following these basic steps, you can grow healthy and abundant Moneymaker tomatoes in your own garden or farm. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this popular and versatile tomato variety will surely provide you with a bountiful harvest of delicious and juicy fruit.

Moneymaker Tomatoes Frequently Asked Questions

Are Moneymaker Tomatoes Determinate or Indeterminate?

Moneymaker tomatoes are indeterminate, which means they grow on sprawling vines and produce fruit continuously throughout the growing season, until the first frost hits. This habit makes them an excellent choice for gardeners who love a steady supply of fresh tomatoes. They do require staking or caging to support their growth, and routine pruning helps maintain airflow and encourage fruit production. So, while they may need a bit more attention than their determinate counterparts, the bountiful harvests are well worth the effort.

Can you Grow Moneymaker Tomatoes in Pots?

Absolutely, you can indeed grow Moneymaker tomatoes in pots. They are a versatile variety and adapt well to container gardening. For the best results, use a large pot of at least 30cm in diameter and depth, filled with good-quality compost. This ensures ample space for the roots to grow and nutrients to be adequately absorbed. Remember to add stakes or a small cage into the pot to support the indeterminate growth habit of Moneymaker tomatoes. Regular watering and feeding are essential, as containers tend to dry out faster than garden soil.

moneymaker tomato plant growing in a pot

Do I Need to Pinch Out Moneymaker Tomatoes?

Yes, pinching out Moneymaker tomatoes is highly recommended for optimal plant health and fruit production. As an indeterminate variety, Moneymaker tomatoes continue to grow and produce fruit until the first frost. By pinching out, or removing, the side shoots (also known as suckers) that sprout in the leaf axils, you can help the plant focus its energy on developing fruits instead of excessive foliage. Additionally, pinching out the plant’s growing tip around late summer can encourage the plant to direct energy into ripening existing fruits instead of producing new ones. Remember to carry out these tasks gently to avoid damaging your plant.


Overall, the Moneymaker tomato is a popular and versatile variety that is well-suited to a variety of growing conditions. It is known for its high yield, disease resistance, and adaptability, making it a favourite among gardeners and farmers alike. While it may require some extra maintenance and care, the delicious and juicy fruits it produces make it well worth the effort.